mac.org : Updates

| February
Updates |
- The Links section is
updated, with a new addition of an appreciative mac.org user!
- The stats page is revised. Yes, no more pop up windows! Do you
see the little
icon in the navbar? click on that. hehe
- Hmm, there are many requests for a compilation of all the
shareware on a CD. I can do this, but the only stop gap would be
that I would have to get the permission of ALL the shareware
authors, and this would take a long long long long long time. The
CD writing part is easy, I have a Yamaha 4x4x16 to take care of
that part. If there is enough requests, I will make an effort to
make this happen. EMAIL me to
tell me if you like the idea or not.
- Them finals are killing me, anyhow enough about my troubles.
Tomorrow's the last day!!!
- Navbar CSS renewed
- MacAmp
1.0b6 is released and updated
- Not like anyone cares, but my Art
section is updated to reflect current changes.
* This version of MacAmp is the non-expiration date one...Thanks
Peter H. Froehlich for the tip!
- E(asy)-mail
2.0 is added
- Another day goes by without Pinky and the Brain on my
website...*poit* If anyone knows how I can have Pinky and the
Brain material without violating any copyrights, email
- As you may have well noticed, mac.org was shut down over the
weekend as a result of copyright violations resulting possibly
from video clips of the cartoon Pinky and the Brain. This was an
unforeseen error in my part. Because of this, the Pinky and the
Brain section and the Videos section will be permanently removed.
There will be no more Pinky and the Brain material of any kind and
although I am deeply divided in this decision, I am forced to act
on the behalf of the interest of my service provider. Please
email me and tell me what you
think about all of this whether it be a suggestion or support, I
enjoy reading all emails. - Jason Weng
- Brainwashed Part 2
video clip is recompressed and updated (previously 20mb larger for
unknown reasons)

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