mac.org : Updates

| February Updates |
updates will resume. And better yet I turned 19 right when finals started. Fun.
* Attention shareware authors, since my website has been out of commision until recentely, I would ask that if you would please notify me of any updates, or any additions you would like posted on my website. |
- Hi all, I finally have time now to actually manage this site. Why is it that I have not been able to do a single thing with this website, since 4-28-99? It involves more than just the lack of time. Over the summer I held a job at a web design place which (undoubtly) took all of my time and efforts and now I'm in college in UCR. No doubt the first quarter was quite a experience. Ranging from building myself a dual celeron machine to finally realizing peecees stink (my winnt 4.0 hard crashed once making me format again) I'd say I did a lot. Sorry I didn't have the time to update the site then! But today I'm expecting my G4/450 to arrive today and that will most certainly expedite things, including email responses, if you guys had not realized with my time diminishing between studying and doing homework I had less and less time to respond to my emails. When my Dual Celeron finally died, it was then I realized that I seriously needed a mac. Updates will continue shortly. Stay tuned and thanks for support mac.org!
- All this time I haven't been slacking off, seriously. Anyways, I've been studying for AP tests and I think I want to pass all of them, so it seems that it will be awhile for updates....sorry. Rest assured lot of updates will be coming May 22!! Thanks for you contiuning support and patience!