JPEGView overview:
- it's essentially free (postcardware), simple, and easy to use
- requires only 800k, but will effectively use more memory to
run faster
- produces some of the highest-quality images available on the
- decompresses images faster than almost any other Macintosh
image software
- provides an excellent user-configurable slide show
- automatically scales images to fit on your monitor
- has handy full screen windows (without the menubar) for large
- supports multiple-monitor systems extremely well
- includes exhaustive on-line documentation and balloon help
- is System 7-studly, featuring full AppleScript support and
32-bit cleanliness
- native code takes full advantage of PowerMacintosh systems
- comes with a cool colorful JPEG test image :-)
JPEGView is in FAT binary, which means it will work optimally for
both PPC and
68k machines.